
3 Best Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation

3 Best Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation

3 Best Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation

Learning the Patanjali Sutra isn’t just about putting asana into the wider perspective of yoga. It’sabout looking at what it means to practice yoga within the context of life as a whole. Yoga is not only a practice, but also a state of being. Patanjali provides us with guidelines for living a yogic life, including standards of self-conduct. So, that we can know what it feels like to live and act in harmony with our highest values, even when we face difficulty. With these 3 Best Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation , we cultivate a deeper and more inclusive relationship with yoga that can transform all aspects of our lives.

What Are Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra ?

Patanjali’s Sutra is a collection of 196 short sanskrit verses compiled by the sage Patanjali. Approximately 2,000 years old, its wisdom is timeless, and it continues to speak to the human mind and heart through the ages. Patanjali’s verses offer a time-tested “roadmap” of human consciousness and how to live a happy and meaningful life through the practice of yoga. The Yoga Sutras are like a practical textbook to guide your spiritual journey of remembering who you really are. Four chapters comprise the Sutras. In the first chapter, sage Patanjali has defined yoga is detail. The other chapters detail practices and guidelines for living our best life, and what practitioners may encounter along the path of yoga.

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3 Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation

Yoga Sutra 1.14 स तु दीर्घकालनैरन्तर्यसत्कारासेवितो दृढभूमिः | Sa Tu Dirgha Kala Nairantarya Satkara Sevito Drudha Bhumihi

This becomes firmly grounded or firmly established in you when you attend to it for a long time, without interruption and with devotion.

Anything in life that is of firm value takes some time to get cultured. Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time. Success is usually not instant, it is a journey. One step at a time! So, choose a routine or habits that you can maintain, and then build on it. That helps you build a higher level of trust and accountability toward meeting your goals.

Yoga Sutra 1.3 तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् | Tada Drastuh Svarupe Vasthanam

Then The Seer Abides In Itself

As a result of directing the mind exclusively towards an object and sustaining that focus in one direction without distractions, we experience the deepest part of ourselves. This sutra states that when we’ve done the work and have cleaned and smoothened our mirrors, then we begin to perceive ourselves and the world with clarity. We perceive things just as they are.

Yoga Sutra 1.5 वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टाक्लिष्टाः | Vrttayah Pancatayyah Klistaklistah

There are five functions or activities of the mind, which can either cause us problems or not. They are correct perception, misunderstanding, imagination, deep sleep, and memory.

These sutras represent the five functions of the mind. Patanjali lists these functions and explains that they have the power to bring you suffering or not. Practice this sutra by recognizing moments when your mind becomes agitated. See if you can recognize which function of the mind is being stimulated. Then take a step back to simply observe the agitation. Few breaths and consider if that is raised out of perceived agitation, a misunderstanding, imagination, deep sleep, memory or a real perception. Through the practice you can begin to separate the fluctuations of the mind from your true nature.

Final Takeaway | 3 Best Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation

Whether you’re just getting started with your yoga practice or you’ve got decades under your belt, there is always something new to be learned from the Yoga Sutras. Loaded with lasting insight, these 3 Best Patanjali Yoga Sutra For Wisdom & Motivation hold their power and relevance in our present culture, daily life, and spiritual journey.  If practiced ardently, these qualities can lead to a greater understanding of life and the actualization of your true nature.

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