
5 Life-lessons from Kung Fu Panda

5 Life-lessons from Kung Fu Panda

5 Life-lessons from Kung Fu Panda

What are the 5 Life-lessons from Kung Fu Panda ? Answer is write here in this article delight !!

The Kung Fu Panda ( know more about this movie ) packs some heavy wisdom nuggets for all, in the light-hearted animation series full of thrill and adventure. Kung Fu Panda, a plump panda, will make you introduce with many lessons of life. While the movie is highly appreciated for its storyline, graphics and the near accurate depiction of the Chinese culture, it is also well known for its relevant lessons.

These are most significant 5 life-lessons to draw from the legend of Kung Fu Panda.

5 Life-lessons from Kung Fu Panda

1. Being no special is fine !!

Po doesn’t have any special abilities. He doesn’t have any claws like tigress or wings like crane or even flexible body like snake (except he can stuff 40 bean buns in his mouth in a single time). He’s just a big fat panda who eats when he’s upset and grows even fatter and consequently sadder. Just an ordinary and simple character, as most of us are !!

There’s really nothing special about being special. Don’t sell yourself out for the sake of attention and false glory. Not that attention and glory are wrong, but they should not be prime motivators that drives your life. Po is unique just as YOU are !! And you don’t need to be special, or stand out, for that to be true. Let your mind soak in the awesomeness of the feeling of being alive, breathe, live your life for today.

2. There is no secret ingredient !!

“There is no secret ingredient, its just you”

While Po is helping evacuate the city his Dad shares with him the secret ingredient to his secret ingredient soup. But the secret page was blank. well, the page wasn’t blank at all. It was a mirror actually — reflecting himself !!

There are no magic fixes, pills, certificates, things that will make you more successful. It’s your own mind which got in your way first. This life is about you and you must learn how to believe in yourself even at the lowest point of your life. Sometimes we have to let go of old story to write a new one .

3. Let go of the illusion of control !!

Remember this conversation ?

Oogway sighs, “Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.”

Shifu loses it. “But the peach cannot defeat Tai Lung,” he cries.

“Maybe it can (here referring the Panda to the peach), if you are willing to nurture it, to guide it and believe in it.”

We sometimes are so desperate in trying to ‘fix’ something that we lose the understanding that the first thing we need to do is Believe. Let go of the false notions and unjust expectations of the things to go our ways. No, let the water flow. It will find its path. Once you achieve peace inside of yourself, wounds heal. Scars fade. Present seems clearer and future seems near.

4. Appearance is not everything !!

Don’t judge anyone or specially misjudge your competitors by their appearance , the core principle of judging them is their nature & competency.

When Tai Lung denied his defeat saying, “You can’t defeat me! You… you’re just a big… fat… panda!” Panda clutching his weak punch by the finger and replied, “I’m not a big fat panda. I’m THE big fat panda.”

5. The true quality of greatness is humility !!

Even after achieving his destiny of saving Kung Fu and after defeating an eternal chi master, Po is just as he was when he was just a flabby panda. Po is humble towards his Master whom he’s outdone in learning. He is humble towards his teammates of whom he’s now a Master. Adopting a more humble mindset increases our overall psychological wellbeing and ensures our social functioning with a great success. The true quality of greatness is humility because it is the hardest to achieve when you have achieved everything.

So what is your favorite among the 5 Life-lessons from Kung Fu Panda !! Have I missed something important? Let me know by mentioning it in the comments section. Thanks!

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