
7 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

7 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

7 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

No wonder, finishing a book in a single day can be extremely satisfying!! It’s very comforting to have a handful of thinner books on our purse, pocket and hand luggage perpetually. So here goes the list of 5 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day !

7 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

Animal Farm by George Orwell

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is undeniably one of the best short novels ever written in the English language. This classic allegory is as sharp and biting as when it was first published nearly 70 years ago, and just as relevant. This book represents well the society we are living in, gives us also an idea how the political system works in real and how the rest of us play our roles in the system.

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Heartburn by Nora Ephron

Heartburn is proof that oftentimes it isn’t the story that matters, it’s how ya tell it. A delicious book of love, betrayal, heart-break, adultery and marriage; complicated emotions interlaced with scrumptious food recipes told by Rachel Samstat, a heart-stricken cookbook author with a broken spirit.

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Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? by Lorrie Moore

A slim novel but one of the best. Largely a story about a colorful 1970s high-school friendship, beautifully framed as a reminiscence, with indelible settings and scenes. In this moving, poignant novel by the bestselling author of Birds of America , Lorrie shares a grown woman’s bittersweet nostalgia for the wildness of her youth.

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The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

This enigmatic literary fiction novel does a great job of playing with perceptions. It’s the story that touches on allotting responsibility and blame – be it for the Great War or a breakup or a suicide – and learn that the answers may not always be there !!

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Rich Habits by Thomas C. Corley

The “Rich Habits” are ten principles created through years of researching the daily success habits of his wealthiest clients. These ten simple principles miraculously transform every individual who comes into contact with them. In Rich Habits, Tom Corley provides a step by step financial success program that is concise, easy to understand and even easier to apply, regardless of your age, education or income level.

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Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

You can read this book in about 45 minutes, but it will feel like a week. In a nutshell, the book talks about change, how it is possible, how we should anticipate it and be ready for it, how we should be able to detect the signs that change is near. It focuses on the importance of getting out from one’s comfort zone and explore other opportunities in the world.

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Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

This is a story for people who follow their hearts and make their own rules…people who get special pleasure out of doing something well, even if only for themselves…people who know there’s more to this living than meets the eye: they’ll be right there with Jonathan, flying higher and faster than ever they dreamed.

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Final Takeaways : 7 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day

Whether you’re on a one-day staycation, a long commute, or just want to get lost in an exhilarating read, the novels and novellas given in list of ” 7 Small Books That You Can Read In A Day ” can be finished in a single day — or even a single sitting.  These short books are also perfect for our busy readers. In an effort to provide something for everyone, our list includes a range of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, from classics to new releases.

Read also : 10 Best Self-help books of all time ( )

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