
Why You Are The Most Important Living Person | Excerpt From “Success Through a PMA”

Why You Are The Most Important Living Person | Excerpt From "Success Through a PMA"

Why You Are The Most Important Living Person | Excerpt From “Success Through a PMA”

This bestselling self-help classic has helped millions—promoting positive mental attitude ( PMA ) as a key to personal success. This book builds on Napoleon Hill’s two earlier works, “Think & Grow Rich” and its predecessor “The 17 Laws of Success”, and focuses on how developing a positive mental attitude combined with the other principles will bring you closer to success. In the following excerpt from the self-help book Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, Napoleon Hill explains How and Why You Are The Most Important Living Person. So read the stanza carefully !! And go, love yourself. Give yourself permission to really get to know yourself, you will love the core you find, and the people around you will feel the incontrovertible positive impact.

Why You Are The Most Important Living Person | Excerpt From Success Through a PMA

“You are the most important living person.

Stop and think about yourself. In all the history of the world there was never anyone else exactly like you. And in all the infinity of time to come, there will never be another.

You are the product of your: heredity, environment, physical body, conscious and subconscious mind, experience, and particular position and direction in time and space…and something more, including powers known and unknown.

You have the power to affect, use, control or harmonize with all of them. And you can direct your thoughts, control your emotions and ordain your destiny with PMA. “

– Napoleon Hill, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Get the Book here : Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude ( )

Kindle Edition

Read also : Solace In All Troubles | Excerpt from “The Diary of a Young Girl” ( )

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