Find Bliss In Meditation With This Verse of Gita
Bliss is a state of happiness that shows you are at peace with everything around you. At the physical level, you relate everything only with what is visible and so your happiness becomes a slave of circumstances. When things do not move according to your wishes, or you fail to achieve something in life, you become sad. You constantly strive to change your circumstances so that you can find happiness again. This cycle of happiness and pain is the reason behind your internal conflicts. To come out of the cycle of opposites, you should endeavor to find happiness independent of all circumstances. True bliss resides in the deep layer of consciousness within everyone. And we could achieve this with meditation ! So, Get to learn how to Find Bliss In Meditation With This Verse of Gita…
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5, Verse 21
बाह्यस्पर्शेष्वसक्तात्मा विन्दत्यात्मनि यत्सुखम् |
स ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते || 5.21||
bāhyasparśeṣu = in external sense pleasure, asaktātmā = one who is not attached; vindati = enjoys. ātmani = in the self; yat = that which; sukhaṃ = happiness. saḥ = he; brahmayoga = by concentration in Brahman; yuktātmā = self-connected. sukhaṃ = happiness; akṣayaṃ = unlimited; aśnute = enjoys
With the self unattached to external contacts, he finds happiness in the Self; with the self engaged in the meditation of BRAHMAN, he attains endless happiness.
Bliss In meditation
As we see from this shloka from Bhagawada Gita, the one who absorbs the senses, mind, and intellect in God , begins to experience the infinite bliss of God who is seated within.
Our entire life is geared towards the pursuit of happiness. However, if we introspect, we realize that the happiness we get from sense objects is instantaneous, but fleeting. Moreover, if we are not careful, we get attached to whatever gives us instant happiness so that we can repeat that experience. This also leads to sorrow, when we lose access to sense objects.
But Shri Krishna gives us a better alternative. When we slowly move away from sense objects and turn inward, we can tap into a source of happiness that is much greater than any happiness produced by sense objects. Moreover, this happiness is never-ending, it is inexhaustible! Because, it is derived out of the eternal essence which is infinite.
How To Achieve Bliss in Meditation
By embracing the commitment of meditation, you are ready to tap into bliss. To achieve this state, try to make meditation as regular as eating. When you meditate daily, it becomes less of a chore, or practice, and more of an experience you look forward to, and your body has become conditioned to. Through stillness, practice, and a willingness to try, you’ll eventually be able to tap into consistent presence, and enjoy the bliss you so deserve.
You can do meditation with eyes closed and gazing at the third eye point right in between the eyebrows or with the eyes 9/10 closed but very slightly open gazing at the tip of the nose. The fixed gaze stimulates the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland and brings the brain into the alpha rhythm ( relaxed but alert state, also refer ). This to allow yourself to let go and become absorbed into concentration. You can even meditate with your eyes open, staring at a single point such as a candle or a mandala.
For simple meditation techniques to start with read 5 Best & Easy Meditation Techniques For Anyone