Samatha Vs Vipassana Meditation | Which One Is Better ?
In this article delight, we’re going to explore two concepts that represent the foundation of mindfulness meditation: Samatha and Vipassana. While you might have heard these terms used in relation to meditative practice, you may not fully understand them. For that reason, we’re going to outline the basics and explain the key differences of Samatha Vs Vipassana Meditation . You will also get the insight that in order to cultivate an effective practice, you need to know first which meditation technique better suits you.
What is Samatha Meditation?
The term, samatha, (or shamatha) is often translated as ‘peaceful abiding’, or ‘tranquility’. It is one of the two forms of mindful meditation practiced in the Theravada tradition ( Know more here ) of Buddhism. In practice, samatha usually involves bringing the mind to rest on one phenomenon and not allowing it to wander. We generally use breath as the focus of attention, but the focus may also be a chant or image. The key factor is that there is a clear focus of attention ! Everything else is considered as a distraction. And when the mind wanders or loses concentration, the meditator comes back to this single focus. In this way one builds concentration and mental discipline . If practiced with patience and care, samatha meditation gives rise to a state of mental quietness, calmness and tranquility.
What is Vipassana Meditation?
Vipassana can be translated as “Insight,” a clear awareness of exactly what is happening as it happens. In vipassana, the meditator tries to gain insight into all aspects of experience, that is opening awareness to the whole field of consciousness. It is a gradual process of ever-increasing awareness into the inner workings of reality itself. The method comes directly from the Satipatthana Sutta [Foundations of Mindfulness], a discourse attributed to the Buddha himself. We learn to smell acutely, to touch fully. To really pay attention to the changes that take place in all these experiences. We learn to listen to our own thoughts without being caught up in them. The object of Vipassana meditation practice is to learn to see the truth of impermanence of phenomena without judging it.
Breathe Meditation Examples | Samatha Vs Vipassana Meditation
In practical down to earth terms, the Samatha meditation that most people who first get into meditation will practice is that of counting breaths. So they will simply focus on their breath, counting up from one to ten and then starting again at one. While in Vipassana, it involves tracking the breath in terms of one of the five physical senses. Tracking the rising and falling of the stomach or the flow of air as in enters and leaves the nostrils . You are following the breath in the sense of how it is physically manifesting rather than numerically counting it.
What is the Difference Between Samatha and Vipassana Meditation?
Samatha and Vipassana are divided by subtle differences ! So it can sometimes tricky to understand exactly what separates these two practices or know the details about Samatha Vs Vipassana Meditation. Probably the key thing to bear in mind here is that Vipassana meditation involves paying non-judgmental attention to all aspects of present moment experience. Expanding your field of consciousness to include all sensory experiences is great for the mind, and this is exactly what Vipassana seeks to do. While Samatha will generally revolve around just one object of attention or focus.
Any meditation practice that does not take ultimate reality as an object , we refer as “samatha meditation”, because it leads only to tranquility, but not insight. Besides the difference in meditation object, meditation for insight will also obviously have different results. It will be less tranquil on the whole, as one may experience all the inherent problems with ultimate reality, specifically that it is uncontrollable.
Should You Practice Samatha or Vipassana?
Put simply, this depends on what you’re looking to get out of your meditation practice. If your main goal is simply to bring a little more calmness or tranquility into your life, Samatha meditation will help you develop it. Since ancient times, people view meditation as primarily an exercise for bringing peace and tranquility. There’s nothing wrong with this; however, it’s important to remember that meditation is so much more than just relaxation.
So If you want to go further and gain greater insight into your mind and body, a deeper kind of insight Vipassana would be ideal. Vipassana is particularly helpful if you’re interested in letting go of negative thoughts and feelings or cultivating acceptance. This is because meditation allows you to see things a little clearer and identify what really matters in life.
Final takeaway
Both meditations have their uses but which one you should practice depends on what your goal is. If calmness or tranquility alone is your main goal, then choose Samatha; if insight is your goal then choose Vipassana meditation. While it’s useful to understand the difference between Samatha and Vipassana, you shouldn’t let these distinctions get in the way of your meditation journey. You’re much better off keeping an open mind and viewing everything as interconnected. Combining the mental discipline of Samatha with the enhanced perception and awareness of Vipassana is a recipe for spiritual success.
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