
What Happens During Brahma Muhurta | The Secret Potential Of Brahma Muhurta

What Happens During Brahma Muhurta | The Secret Potential Of Brahma Muhurta

What Happens During Brahma Muhurta | The Secret Potential Of Brahma Muhurta

We as living beings are intimately related to the happenings of the universe. Speaking of Brahma Muhurta, it is the time when the energy of the universe is more intensely available. The cosmos spreads positivity for us to absorb and achieve overall well-being. So, this article delight brings up all the benefits & the knowledge of What Happens During Brahma Muhurta, so that we can unleash the Secret Potential Of Brahma Muhurta.

What is Muhurta? | The Calculation of Brahma Muhurta Time

Muhurta is a time measure of 48 minutes reckoned from sunrise as a part of definition of linear time concepts (based on the speed of light as in the Rig Veda 1.50). The smallest time unit called Nimesha is the smallest humanly conceivable time frame and is defined as the ‘wink of an eye’.

Now going forward,
Nimeshas counting to 15 make 1 Kashta, [Manu says 18 nimesa instead (Manu Smriti 1.64)…perhaps Manu winked faster than the other sages :p ]

15 Kashta make 1 Laghu
15 Laghu make one Ghatika (also known as danda)
2 ghatika make 1 muhurta and
30 muhurta make 1 Diva-Ratri or 24 hours

to summarize , for muhurta

1 muhurta = 48 minutes

2 muhurta = 48+48 = 96 minutes

96 minutes when converted into hours and minutes come out to be 1 hour and 36 minutes. Now, Brahma Muhurta starts 2 muhurtas before sunrise.

So, if the sunrise at your place is at 6 am, the Brahma Muhurta will start at 4:25 am.

What Is Brahma Muhurta ?

The word ‘Brahma literally means knowledge and ‘Muhurta stands for time. Thus, Brahma muhurta is a specific time that is considered best for gaining knowledge. It is the last phase of night, before the dawn when one should give up his/her sleep and gear up for a new day. There is a difference of opinion regarding the time of Brahma muhurta, but the most accepted time period is roughly one and a half hours before sunrise or more precisely 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise. es) before sunrise.

तत्रायमध्ययनविधिः-कल्यःकृतक्षणःप्रातरुत्थायोपव्यूषंवाकृत्वा….(Charaka Samhita Vimana sthana 8/7)

Acharya Susrutha describes Brahma muhurta as ‘Panchamruta vela’ – means, when there is the ample presence of the five elements – Prithvi, Ap, Thejus, Vayu and Akasa. If you think about it, Brahma muhurta is the time when these five elements are present in its purest form without much external hindrance. So, there is no other perfect time to wake up and begin a day’s activities.

Who should avoid waking up during Brahma muhurta?

Ashtanga Hridayam gives relaxation to certain categories of people from waking up during Brahma muhurta. According to the author Acharya Vaghbata, only healthy persons should stay awake during this auspicious hour. Pregnant ladies, small children and aged individuals who are not habituated to waking up early are exempted from this. Similarly, those who suffer from any kind of physical or mental illnesses and whose previous meal has not been digested are also allowed to sleep more till they recover completely.

The science behind Brahma Muhurta | Benefits of waking up in Brahma Muhurta

What Happens During Brahma Muhurta

While the spiritual importance of waking up in Brahma Muhurta can be found in abundance, the significance of waking up at this time has been backed by science as well. This is hidden in the concept of the circadian rhythm. The Circadian rhythm is essentially your body biological clock which helps in the functioning of all your organs as per the master clock in the brain. Now, the brain is said to produce melatonin, which helps to induce sleep during the night. This is the result of a signal sent by your circadian clock to the master clock in the brain. During the Brahma Muhurta, the pineal gland secretes this hormone at the maximum. It is also during this time that the cortisol hormone, which is also like your body alarm, also starts to secrete.

A review article documents a 2011 research ( study ) which shows that Ozone is good to disinfect and cure various diseases. It helps in the healing of infected wounds, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, muscular degeneration, viral diseases, arthritis, and cancer. Waking up in Brahma Muhurta is beneficial because the Ozone level is highest during this span. The air is less polluted and a person can breathe in more Ozone, which is effective for treating many disorders.

The Ayurvedic View of Brahma Muhurta

What Happens During Brahma Muhurta

A verse from Ashtanga Hridayam states,

“ब्राह्मी मुहूर्तम उत्तिष्ठत स्वस्तो रक्षार्थम् आयुषा

तत्र सर्वार्थ शांतीर्थम स्मरेच्छ मधुसूदनम्”।

“One should wake up in the brahma muhurta for sustaining perfect health and for achieving a long life span, as desired”.

The Vata dosha, which controls the mind, is active during this time and you can perform gentle and mind-calming activities to refresh yourself fill yourself with energy. The variation in dosha predominance in the human body is in accordance with the 24-hour cycle. The last part of night is dominated by vata dosha . So waking up during this time will bestow you with vata advantage. Vata dosha is responsible for all types of external and internal body movements. Thus, getting up during this vata time helps in easy evacuation of bowel, more mental clarity & more flexibility of body parts. Hence good time for exercise, and yoga asanas. It also helps in recalling and understanding subtler aspects of what you learn. A balanced vata dosha state helps in focussing and keeps the physical and emotional wellbeing stable.

The Oxygen levels in the atmosphere during these early hours is around 41%. Which is very much favorable to the lungs. Hence, practicing breath techniques during this time thus comes with its own benefits, with the purest air flowing in and out of the system.

Final Takeaway

Brahma muhurta is a time when the environment around you remains purest and calm. The air will be fresh, the atmosphere devoid of sound and pollution, and it is just the right time before the world wakes up into a new day. Since there is nothing much to distract, whatever you practice during this time gets imprinted in your mind and brain. During the Brahma Muhurta, activities related to creativity or the expansion of our soul are encouraged. Hence the practice of yoga, meditation, prayers, studies, etc is encouraged to be performed during this time. It is an excellent time for analyzing yourself and to worship the Brahma inside you.

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